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Daintree National Park


The Dintree Rainforest is one of the world's oldest rain forests and the largest tropical rain forest in Australia. Featuring impressive diversity of landscapes, Daintree National Park captures mountains, fast-flowing streams and waterfalls, deep ravines and dense jungle that flows directly into the sea. The diversity of habitats makes Daintree one of the most complex rainforests on Earth, and one of the oldest.

Millions of years ago, rain forests covered much of eastern Australia. However, as conditions change to dryness, Daintree became the last remaining tropical rain forest of the once thriving tropical forests. In this last refuge, many species of plants and animals have continued unabated for millions of years and have retained the same ancient characteristics of their ancestors. Extraordinary species such as Bennett's Tree-kangaroo and Southern Cassowary live here, as well as many ancient plant families found nowhere else on Earth.


Due to Daintree's unique history of evolution and wildlife resources, it has been declared a Wet Tropics World Heritage Site, with Daintree National Park lying in the center of conservation efforts. However, restricting the construction of houses around the park's boundaries threatens deforestation and disrupts wildlife movement and the introduction of rare plants. To help, Rainforest Trust- Australia is working to purchase 15 buildings to be incorporated into Dintree National Park (owned by Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service). In partnership with the five existing areas, the new land acquisition will expand Daintree National Park plans by more than 71 hectares.


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